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Stand Alone Technical Services

We offer some technical services as stand-alone services, for those organizations that may need just a component and not a full virtual CISO engagement.

Pricing is based on scope and complexity.

Managed Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Services:

Our managed eramba GRC service enables tracking and dashboard reporting on information security risks, compliance with various frameworks and regulations, asset management, incidents, and more.

Requires one year commitment.


The human is the weakest link. As a KnowBe4 partner, our virtual CISOs provide and manage online training to further your organization’s information security awareness, reducing the risk of an information security incident caused by human error.

Requires one year commitment.

IT Security Assessments:

Does your firewall ruleset make sense? Are your other IT controls maximized for protection? Our experienced virtual CISOs and risk management analysts provide an independent review to verify IT controls or recommend changes, all while not impeding business operations.

Network Vulnerability Assessments (External) and Basic Web Application Scans:

Testing is the first step. Knowing what to prioritize in remediation and what compensating controls may work better than rectifying the primary control gap can save time and cost and add efficiency while increasing security posture.

Network Vulnerability Assessments (Internal): 

Identifying vulnerabilities in the internal network is a necessary component of any security program. We will provide a scanner to place on your network to gather information on vulnerabilities, produce a comprehensive report of items found ranked by criticality, and provide professional guidance on remediation.

Penetration Testing:

Testing exposes vulnerabilities; penetration testing attempts to exploit those vulnerabilities. May be added to any package for an additional fee, based on scope of services desired and environment.