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Leading Provider of Virtual CISO (vCISO), Fractional CISO (fCISO), Virtual ISO (vISO), and CISO as a Service (CaaS) Services

Providing part-time, experienced Chief Information Security Officer and Cybersecurity Risk Management services since 2017 - Veteran Owned

About vCISO Services, LLC

Providing Small & Midsized Businesses withVirtual CISOs & CISO Advisory Services

At an average annual compensation of over $279,000*, the cost of adding a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) can far exceed the budgets of many small and midsized businesses (SMBs). However, many SMBs don’t require a full-time security leadership position. That’s where a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service adds value.

We offer virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) services in several configurations:

  • vCISO Subscription Services for businesses that require a part-time CISO
  • CISO Advisory Services for businesses that have a CISO but need the experienced support of a vCISO to augment the CISO
  • Standalone Services for short-term , targeted engagements (such as vulnerability assessments and gap analysis)
*Salary + bonus - April 18, 2022

vCISO Services

Virtual CISO Iron

A minimum 20-hour retainer for virtual CISO consulting. Can be applied to Standalone Services, as well.

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Virtual CISO Bronze

For small businesses requiring minimal but consistent virtual CISO services

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Virtual CISO Silver

For small and midsized businesses requiring more complex virtual CISO services. 

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Virtual CISO Gold

For midsized businesses over 300 employees with the complexity to require the features of Silver but at a greater volume of virtual CISO services.

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Virtual CISO Platinum

Virtual CISO services for midsized businesses with complex security and/or regulatory requirements beyond the Gold level.

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Virtual CISO Diamond

Short-term (less than three months) full-time virtual CISO. 

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What MakesUs Different

vCISO Services, LLC is a specialized, veteran-owned cybersecurity consulting and advisory firm located just south of Nashville in Franklin, Tennessee. Focused on the needs of Small and Midsized Businesses (SMBs), we serve clients in all verticals across the United States and beyond. Our size is our advantage – our clients are a big fish in a small pond, not lost in a large firm ocean.

With us, you engage a highly-experienced virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO), not a cyber security analyst or IT security manager with limited or no actual CISO or information security risk management experience. You optimize cyber security executive services, knowing a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) with actual CISO information security executive leadership experience is leading the relationship.

Our passion is to help SMBs gain a fighting chance in an increasingly hostile cyber security threat environment by providing executive part-time virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) services, information security and cybersecurity risk management services, and CISO advisory services. It is our name, it is our core. Founded on Christian values, we exist to serve.

Frequently Asked Questions

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) is a service that offers organizations the knowledge and skills of a conventional CISO without the associated costs of a full-time executive position.

This role typically includes creating and managing the implementation of a security strategy, ensuring compliance with regulations, training and educating staff about security, and responding to incidents. A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can be an individual or a team providing services remotely.

The virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) model is particularly attractive to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that may not have the resources or need for a full-time, dedicated CISO but still have significant security needs that must be managed. The virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can provide strategic leadership in security matters, help the organization align its security objectives with its business objectives, and provide advice and guidance on managing risks and responding to incidents.

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) is a service that offers organizations the knowledge and skills of a conventional CISO without the associated costs of a full-time executive position.

This role typically includes creating and managing the implementation of a security strategy, ensuring compliance with regulations, training and educating staff about security, and responding to incidents. A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can be an individual or a team providing services remotely.

The virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) model is particularly attractive to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that may not have the resources or need for a full-time, dedicated CISO but still have significant security needs that must be managed. The virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can provide strategic leadership in security matters, help the organization align its security objectives with its business objectives, and provide advice and guidance on managing risks and responding to incidents.

Some benefits of a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service include:

• Cost-effectiveness: The organization gets access to expert information security and cybersecurity leadership and risk management experience without having to pay for a full-time executive-level salary.

• Flexibility: The virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service can be scaled up or down based on the organization’s needs.

• Experience: Virtual Chief Information Security Officers (virtual CISOs or vCISOs) often have broad experience across different industries and can bring diverse perspectives to their role.

• Quick start: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service can usually start work quickly, without the need for a lengthy recruitment and onboarding process.

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) provider can assist in various ways:

• Strategy Development: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can help create and implement a comprehensive information security and cybersecurity strategy aligned with your business goals. This strategy will address key areas such as risk management, compliance, incident response, and employee training.

• Risk Management: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can identify, assess, and manage information security and cybersecurity risks. This process involves understanding the business’s unique threat landscape, assessing the potential impact of different risks, and implementing controls to mitigate these risks.

• Compliance: Many businesses operate in regulatory environments that require them to meet certain cybersecurity standards. A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can help ensure that the business is compliant with these standards and prepared for any audits or assessments.

• Incident Response: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can develop and implement an incident response plan, ensuring that the business is prepared to respond effectively to a security incident. They can also assist in managing and recovering from incidents.

• Training and Awareness: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can develop and deliver information security and cybersecurity training for employees, helping to reduce risks associated with human error and improve the organization’s security culture.

• Cost-Efficient: Hiring a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service can be more cost-effective than employing a full-time CISO, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. You get the benefit of expert leadership without the full-time executive salary. The greater the experience, the higher the return on investment (ROI).

• Vendor Management: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) can help manage relationships with information security and cybersecurity vendors, ensuring that the business is getting the best value and that all security tools and services are integrated effectively.

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) should ideally have a combination of technical skills, leadership capabilities, and business acumen. The following experience and qualifications are typically desirable for a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) :

• Technical Expertise: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) should have a deep understanding of IT systems, cybersecurity tools and techniques, and emerging threats. This includes knowledge of encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, data loss prevention, and other cybersecurity technologies. They should also have a good understanding of various cybersecurity standards and frameworks such as ISO 27001, NIST, and others.

• Industry Certifications: Certifications can demonstrate a virtual Chief Information Security Officer’s (virtual CISO’s or vCISO)’s knowledge and commitment to the field. Relevant certifications may include Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), and others. Additionally, soft-skill certifications such as Toastmaster’s CC help with communication and understanding.

• Leadership and Management Experience: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) often needs to lead a team and interact with an organization’s leadership. Experience with strategic planning, project management, and staff management is often desirable. They should be capable of making informed decisions and leading an organization’s information security strategy.

• Regulatory Compliance: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) should understand the regulatory landscape that the organization operates in. This includes knowledge of laws and standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), among others, depending on the industry.

• Risk Management: Experience with risk assessment and management is important. This includes the ability to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks in a cost-effective manner.

• Incident Response: The virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) should have experience with developing and implementing incident response plans, as well as managing actual security incidents.

• Business Acumen: An effective virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) understands how security intersects with business objectives. They should be able to articulate the business case for security investments and align security strategies with business goals.

• Communication Skills: A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) needs to be an effective communicator, capable of explaining complex security issues to non-technical stakeholders and influencing decision-making at the highest levels of the organization.

Compliance and security, while related, serve different purposes and have different focuses.

Compliance refers to adhering to a set of specific rules or standards, typically established by a regulatory body or industry group. These rules are often a baseline or minimum standard that all organizations must meet. They may include specific controls or practices that an organization must implement. Compliance standards are typically generic and apply to a wide range of organizations, often within a specific industry (like healthcare or financial services).

On the other hand, security is about protecting an organization’s information and systems from threats. This involves identifying and managing risks, implementing controls, detecting and responding to incidents, and continually improving security practices. Security is specific to an organization’s unique context, including its specific risks, threat landscape, business objectives, and technological infrastructure.

Here are some reasons why compliance does not equal security:

• Compliance is a baseline, not the ceiling: Compliance standards usually represent a minimum level of security that all organizations must achieve. However, just because an organization meets these standards does not mean its security is sufficient for its specific risks and threat landscape.

• Compliance is not comprehensive: Compliance standards typically focus on specific areas of risk relevant to a particular industry. They might not cover all potential security risks that an organization faces.

• Compliance is static, security is dynamic: Compliance standards are updated periodically, while security threats are continually evolving. An organization that is compliant today could be vulnerable to a new threat tomorrow.

• Compliance can lead to a checkbox mentality: Organizations might focus on ticking off compliance requirements rather than implementing a comprehensive, risk-based approach to security. This can lead to gaps in their security posture.

• Compliance does not equal effectiveness: Just because an organization has implemented a control required by a compliance standard does not mean the control is effective. For example, an organization might have an incident response plan (as required by many compliance standards), but if the plan is not regularly tested and updated, it might not be effective when an actual incident occurs.

Thus, while compliance can be a part of a strong security program, it should not be the end goal. An effective security program requires a continuous, proactive approach to managing risks, beyond just meeting compliance standards.

A highly experienced and qualified virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) provider can build a holistic information security and cybersecurity program that complies with applicable regulations and standards.

The cost of a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service can vary depending on various factors, including the scope of services, the complexity of the organization’s cybersecurity needs, the level of expertise required, and the duration of engagement.

The cost may vary based on the qualifications, experience, and expertise of the virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO). Those with extensive experience and a strong reputation in the industry  command higher fees.

Additionally, a highly experienced and reputable  virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service is often more cost-effective than less experienced providers. For example, a quality virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) provider can save on audit costs through proper preparation, breach costs on proper control implementation, and operational costs through efficiencies that come with experience. In fact, measured on a deliverable basis, the per hour rate of a highly experienced virtual Chief Information Security Officer (virtual CISO or vCISO) service can easily calculate to less  than lower end services. In other words, you get a higher Return on Investment (ROI).

vCISO Services, LLC is proud to be the primary sponsor for The Virtual CISO Moment podcast, stories of what drives infosec pros and what makes them successful while helping small and midsized business (SMB) security needs. No frills, no glamour, no transparent whiteboard text, no catchy music, no complex graphics, and no script – just honest discussion of SMB information security risk issues. It’s not just for virtual Chief Information Security Officers (virtual CISOs or vCISOs)!

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