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Category: Blog

Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Incident Response Part One

Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Incident Response Many use the terms Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Incident Response interchangeably. However, each of these components of the Resilience Triad[1] serve different
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CISO Spotlight – Greg Schaffer

Operating a small or medium sized business is hard enough without the burden of dealing with cyber security.  As it turns out, the majority of small and medium sized business
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CISO Conversations: The Role of the vCISO

SecurityWeek examines the role of the virtual CISO in a conversation with Chris Bedel and Greg Schaffer. By Kevin Townsend February 14, 2023 Published by SecurityWeek – All companies benefit
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Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Hourly Rates: A Comprehensive Guide

One question I ask cybersecurity pros on The Virtual CISO Moment podcast is what is a significant information security threat to Small and Midsized Businesses (SMBs). One of the best answers I
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Ghost in the Machine

The phrase “ghost in the machine” can refer to a consciousness infiltrating and residing in a physical device. It also can mean a studio album released by The Police in
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The Ebb and Flow of Ransomware

One of the prevalent themes we discuss on The Virtual CISO Moment podcast is ransomware – who is using it, who is targeted, and trends. That’s because ransomware is a very prevalent
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